
Simple and easy multichannel distribution.
Get your content seen by the right people in the best way with the proper tools.



Effortlessly incorporate your Roycom Multimedia publications into blogs and webpages. Embedded content on sites is excellent for driving traffic, as it lets both loyal and new readers find you.


Fashionably show off many publications on a skilfully designed wooden bookshelf that viewers will appreciate. Bookshelves are perfect for producing traffic to multiple publications.

Branded Apps

Buy a standalone, custom designed app to exemplify your brand in the large mobile marketplace. Roycom Multimedia will position it on both Google Play and the App Store, which will reach mobile readers while simultaneously fortifying your Direct-to-Customer approach. Apps keep readers up-to-date on any new publications through the use of push notifications.


Raise brand awareness, content traffic, and customer loyalty with Roycom Multimedia’s powerful SEO tools. Select phrases and important keywords from your publications for chief search engines like Yahoo, Google, and Bing. It couldn’t be easier.

Hard Copy Distribution

Has digital totally obliterated the need for print? Absolutely not. Print publishing is still alive and well. Many readers still find great value in physical copies of a publication. Activate hard copy printing and satisfy your readers. Roycom Multimedia will handle the entire delivery process for you.

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